Hashedin University

In this article I am going to talk about my experience in Hashedin University, Which is a 2-month intensive yet fun-filled unique boot camp run every year by HashedIn Technologies. Each Week we used to get exposure of new tech stacks and we learn those technologies from scratch in the first half of the week and in the last half we used to get an assignment on that tech stack....

April 13, 2020 · 2 min · Shubham

Hello World !

This is shubham. I created this Blog to write something that i would found helpful. If you really want to understand something, the best way is to try and explain it to someone else. That forces you to sort it out in your mind. And the more slow and dim-witted your pupil, the more you have to break things down into more and more simple ideas. And that’s really the essence of programming....

November 8, 2018 · 1 min · Shubham